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Mentor Training Requirements

Required Training

WVU does not require mentor training except as mandated by federal funding agencies or specific programs. Currently, the NSF, NIH, and WVU SURE and RAP programs have mentor training requirements.


In July 2023, the NSF implemented a new requirement for institutions to provide appropriate training and oversight in mentor training and mentorship. This requirement applies to undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty, and other senior personnel who are supported by NSF to conduct research.

The National Science Foundation allows institutions to set the training requirements for their NSF funded researchers and trainees. At WVU, we recognize that different projects, teams, and individuals may have different mentor training and mentorship needs, so we do not have a one-size-fits-all requirement. Instead, we provide resources and support so that PIs can develop a training plan that reflects the nature and scope of the project, as well as the team member’s experience and professional development needs. Once the Director of Research Integrity approves a PI’s plan, the PI’s plan sets the mentor training and mentorship requirements for the members of the team.

WVU manages the NSF mentor training and mentorship plans in a process similar to NSF RCR plans. See below for timeline, goals, sample plans and annual reporting.

Proposal Submission

WVU does not require project specific training plans at the time of submission.

At the time of proposal submission, the Director of Research Integrity will inform PIs whose budgets include funding for graduate students or postdoctoral researchers that they will need a mentor training plan if their project is funded. The email will also direct PIs to the WVU RCR website with mentor training resources and sample mentor training plans.

Informal notice of award

As soon as PIs learn that their project will be funded (for example, when a program officer requests additional information such as an abstract or human subjects approval) they should contact the Director of Research Integrity to develop a mentor training plan.

Plans will be submitted to the director of Research Integrity, who will then upload them into KC or WRAP.

Formal notice of award and receipt of funds

When the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) receives the funds from NSF, they will verify whether there is an approved mentor training plan for the project.

If there is no approved plan on file, OSP will notify the PI that the funds have been received but will not be released until there is an approved mentor training plan on file.

PIs will submit an annual report within KC/WRAP addressing, among other things, the PIs progress according to the mentor training plan.

The report is not intended to be onerous but rather to provide a brief record of compliance with the mentor training plan, which indicates compliance with the institutional plan and the NSF mandate.

The system will send PIs reminders about the annual report 45, 30, 15, and 7 days before it is due. Failure to submit an annual report will result in freezing of funds.


Some NIH training grants require faculty to be trained in evidence-based mentoring practices. For example, the National Institute of General Medical Sciences Predoctoral Basic Biomedical Sciences Research Training Program (T32).

WVU Health Sciences faculty interested in applying for NIH programs that require evidence-based mentoring practices and/or mentor training should contact Joan Lakoski for support.

All other WVU faculty interested in applying for NIH programs that require evidence-based mentoring practices and/or mentor training should contact Trisha Phillips for support.


The WVU Office of Undergraduate Research facilitates mentored research experience for students. The office offers the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) and the Research Apprentice Program (RAP) and provides support for Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU). They provide mentor training for all faculty interested in working with undergraduate students, and they require mentor training for participation in some of their programs.

See Mentor Training for more information.